Welcome to my website! I’m a poet and programmer and an Assistant Arts Professor at NYU ITP/IMA.

What I do

I do research on and make art about language and how it’s used and arranged, especially in the context of computation and the Internet. If you want to learn more, take a look at any of the following:

My CV is available on request.

Learn from me

I teach classes on programming, text analysis, computational creativity and culture at the post-secondary level. A few classes I’ve recently designed and/or taught:

Here’s a list of older classes, often with links to syllabi, schedules and example code.

I frequently teach tutorials or lead workshops and post the outlines and sample code as GitHub gists. Here’s a list of tutorials I made in 2016 and 2017.

Get (or keep) in touch

If you want to get in touch, just send me an e-mail. If you want to have my thoughts and opinions in your social media feeds, try the following:

This domain previously hosted a Wordpress blog that I was not good at keeping up-to-date. You can access the content of the old blog here.

Watch me talk

Sometimes I give talks and people record them and post them online. In some cases, I’ve also posted transcripts of these talks, or brief essays based on the talks. Here are a few recent favorites:

Read stuff I wrote

A few essays I’ve written:

Buy stuff I made

A handful of things I’ve made are available for purchase. They’re good things. Avail yourself of this opportunity to possess them.

Or just, like, give me money

I have a Ko-fi. Your contributions give me the support and confidence I need to make interesting projects that aren’t necessarily legible to the more traditional sources of funding for artists and writers.

(Note: If you’ve ever taken a class from me—and especially if you’ve ever gone into debt to take a class from me—I consider us to be squared up in perpetuity.)

Press and interviews

Some interviews with me and writing on my work:


Allison Parrish is a computer programmer, poet, and game designer whose teaching and practice address the unusual phenomena that blossom when language and computers meet. She is an Assistant Arts Professor at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program.

According to Ars Technica, Allison’s work “delight[s] everyone.” She was named “Best Maker of Poetry Bots” by the Village Voice in 2016, and her zine of computer-generated poems, “Compasses,” received an honorary mention in the 2021 Prix Ars Electronica. Allison is the co-creator of the board game Rewordable (Clarkson Potter, 2017), and her books, chapbooks and collaborations have been published by presses such as Counterpath, Instar, Aleator, and Anteism. Her poetry has appeared in BOMB Magazine, Strange Horizons, Taper and Ninth Letter, among other publications. In 2024, she was the recipient of the Electronic Literature Organization’s “Maverick” award.

Allison is just out here every day doing her best. She is originally from West Bountiful, Utah and currently lives in Brooklyn.